A blog template is a form of blog layout design. Your choice of template design will change the way your blog will appear. Templates offer choices on design and functional elements including how blog posts are positioned and how fonts, images, buttons, banners and video content are displayed. The template you choose may also offer changes to the way your blog is view over different platforms (e.g. laptops, smart phones and tablets). For example one style of template might offer a drop down menu slider and another might change the position, size and layout of how the blog buttons are arranged.
When you sign up for Blogger and WordPress, you will be offered a variety of templates to choose from but additional templates can even be purchased or sometimes downloaded free of charge through sites. For examples, Themeforest.net is useful for WordPress templates and Gooyaabitemplates.com for Blogger.
Design of your blog is extremely important. Use the following points as an easy reference when considering choosing a template:
The overall aesthetics of your blog should be relevant. In particular, think about the placement and size of your visuals within the blog, as this will have an impact on your audience.
Your readers also need to be able to navigate through your blog with ease, so make it as “clean” and straightforward as possible.
Pay attention to the social sharing features and to the amount of information you want to share with your audience “Above-the-fold”. The key is to not overload them with information and yet get them hooked with your content.
There are some great blogging templates available on both Blogger and WordPress platforms, so spend time researching and trying them out to find the perfect one for you.