In Progress
Module 1, Topic 51
In Progress

8.12: Mini Task 8

Code23 Online June 29, 2020

Your final task forms part of your overall assessment and is the only practical task to be formally graded. Mini tasks in modules 1-7 were for your learning and development only.

You have been asked to complete the following personal styling experiences which are broken down into three steps, each carrying a potential maximum score of 10% each. This final task forms 30% of your final score.

Please read these carefully. We ask that you try to complete tasks within 7 days – 14 days, but take more time if you require. A tutor will mark your work and you will receive personalised one-on-one feedback, your final score and certification. Please allow 7 working days for your tutor to mark work and complete this. You must complete all three steps.


For your final assignment, you will prep for a and style a fashion test shoot from beginning to end. You can make this as ‘real’ as you’d like, or submit work digitally if you’re not able to style anyone in real life.

Step 1:

Fashion Concept – Produce an innovative fashion styling mood board for a magazine of your choice. Detail which magazine you’d like to submit your work to. Base your concept on one fashion trend and a second fashion influence of your choice (e.g. historical movement, word, styling technique, cultural reference).

Step 2:

Prep & The Shoot Day – Tell us everything about your shoot. Write a paragraph and include 4-6 images of your prepped looks and behind the scenes of you shoot day. If you can’t obtain an established model, shoot your look on a friend or family member if it is safe to do so, or if not lay the items of clothing out on the floor or a portable rail. Show neat working from behind the scenes, e.g. items laid out neatly, makeup look and inspiration – anything that shows your working backstage. You can use clothing from your own wardrobe or use e-com images from online stores to show us what you would have selected if you could have.

Step 3:

Final Imagery, now shoot the looks. If you don’t have an actual photographer to hand don’t worry, you can dress yourself and take images with your phone, or lay out coordinated looks on the floor. If it’s safe to do so, style a friend, family member or actual model. Make a contact sheet of your final imagery layout include at least 3 fully style looks and upload this to the Creative Studio for final assessment.


  1. Title your work with your name
  2. You may include a written paragraph to explain your inspirations and decision-making process.
  3. Upload imagery and mood boards relating to each of the three steps where appropriate, saving mood boards and imagery into JPEG format.
  4. Upload these in the Creative Studio under Module 8 for final assessment.

PLEASE NOTE: Tutors will provide feedback and support on a weekly basis. Please allow them time to review and feedback with comments. Thank you.

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