8.10: Mini Task 8
Your final task forms part of your overall assessment and is the only practical task to be formally graded. Mini tasks in modules 1-7 were for your learning and development only.
You have been asked to complete the following tasks, which are broken down into three steps, each carrying a potential maximum score of 10% each. This final task forms 30% of your final score.
Please read these carefully. We ask that you try to complete tasks within 7 -14 days, but take more time if you require. A tutor will mark your work and you will receive personalised one-on-one feedback, your final score and certification. Please allow 7 working days for your tutor to mark work and complete this. You must complete all three steps.
Referencing Tatjana’s Top Tips in Section 8.2 of this module, you need to write a pitch as well as a blog post for one of these brands:
- ZARA and its latest collection
- Apple’s latest product release
- One of Volvo’s cars
- Innocent drinks smoothie
- Boots No.7 Day Cream
Step 1
Start by writing the pitch. Do the research on the brand and the product you’ll be covering. Put yourself in the brand’s shoes. What message are they trying to convey with their latest product? What does their current marketing campaign look like? Now thing about how you could create a remarkable piece of content or an engaging review. Big brands get hundreds of pitches each day. How can you stand out?
Step 2
Let’s assume the brand liked your idea, so now you have to create a blog post. Your blog post should be between 500-700 words. Make sure to consider the tips covered in module 8.2.
Step 3
Next, we’d like you to either include images or tell us what type of imagery you’d want to include in your blog post.
Good luck and we can’t wait to review your blog post!
- Complete works and save them as PDF or jpeg files, copying and pasting any links to your blog, social media or other content
- Share your posts and work in relation to the tasks as well as any thoughts and reflections.
- Upload this with any other comments, images or references you have in the Creative Studio under Module 8 to complete your final assessment task.
PLEASE NOTE: Tutors will provide feedback and support on a weekly basis. Please allow them time to review and feedback with comments. Thank you.